The Houseboat has gone to the dogs!
Sydney & Duncan left their comfy Tacoma digs to embark on a great adventure to Portland where their backyard is a river.
Sydney's 2 questions were: "Where's the grass?" "And how does one chase a goose without getting wet???"
Duncan is modeling the very attractive canine PFD that I bought them & make them wear on the dock. Just wanna make sure that if they venture off the dock unexpectedly that I have a handle to pull them out by. They do look very sporty in their PFDs.
"Look at me! Look at me! Look at me! I'm Lassie the Rescue Dog, just give me someone to save. Or maybe just bark at."
A girl and her dog. Katie gives Sydney some good advice about the geese. Something along the lines of don't try it or you'll make Mom really mad! Good advice!
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