Happy Birthday 1014 N 5th! 100 years old never looked better!

It was a full house with Happy Miss Tiffany (Derek must be driving his Papa crazy). And Railene who we don't see enough is demonstrating to Kim how to chug wine with her eyes closed. You go Railene!!!!!

LIsa (my personal torturer at the YMCA), Marilyn (I want that green jacket!) and Scott (expert film producer and dogsitter) are enjoying each other's company and the beverages!

Returning to the scene of the crime is Doug. 1014 N 5th wouldn't be the house that it is without him. All I wanted was the removal of some terrible accoustical tile ceilings. After 20 minutes of conversation with Doug it was clear that the whole house needed a remodel. Doug made sure that I had the right people doing the right things & viola': fabulous house!

Paul and Susan are in deep discussion. What they are talking about, who knows? But they are always fun to watch.

Jason and Chase are trying to compete for the cutest boy in town. Derek gives Chase some serious competition. But Jason, sorry to tell you, your ship has sailed. It is all about the younger generation these days. If you are over the age of 3, you don't even have a chance. But I am sure that your wife still likes you just the way you are :o)