Fabulous Fiber

farewell scarf
Originally uploaded by sfarewell.
Isn't this yarn beautiful?! I love it & it's green!!!! (surprise) My friend Roxi dyed the wool and spun it into yarn just for me. Why is it the "Farewell" scarf? Katie is proud to tell everyone who gushes over this project that Roxi named this yarn "Farewell". Yes, she is the person responsible for my knitting obsession. She's adding a new facet to her yarn shop, Lamb's Ear Farm. It's called KALEIDOSCOPE DYEWORKS, where she dyes and spins custom yarn. I am lucky enough to be her guinea pig. I'm thinking of convincing her to try a new color. Lots of different shades of green with a touch of purple. Think I'll call it "Artichoke". Whaddya think??? It is a really fun yarn to knit with. But I'm not as fast a knitter as she is, so if you want to check out some of her other fabulous creations, check out her blog http://www.yarnjunkie.blogspot.com
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