Take a close look!

Here it is, Santa's wrapping room. Take a close look Katie, it's all right there. Well almost. Still have a few gifts being shipped from "Harold's House of Happiness and Liquidation". Kidding (you hope). So my plan was to finish all of my shopping on Saturday & wrap until my fingers bled on Sunday. Here is a quick before picture of Santa's workshop. I got it almost all done. I was a bit distracted by the Annual Holiday Open House at Mitch & Mary's. I think every resident of the Northend of Tacoma turns out to this extravaganza. The food is great & can sabatoge any sensible diet, but I resisted, mostly. It's great to catch up with old friends & get the nickel tour of Mitch & Mary's house. They have done some amazing things (check out the master bath the next time you get in their front door).
Anyway, I expect to have the wrapping, mailing all done by tomorrow night. Then I can relax and enjoy the rest of the holidays. Because Katie will be home on Friday, wooooo hoooooo!!!! Her 20th birthday is on Saturday & we have a fun Mom & daughter day planned. Can't wait to see my girl! So, Katie, if you are reading this, here is a message from your old, naggy Mom, drive safe and be home soon! Mule!
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