Artichokes and Pink Martini

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Tuesday, January 23, 2007

This is why I live in Tacoma

I don't buy the newspaper. So serveral times a day, I check out the Tacoma News Tribune online paper. My eye goes straight to the news updates. You know, the really, really important news that happens during the day, before it can come out in the print version of the paper. Today, when I got home, the top news update was this 5:15 pm Point Defiance's Elderly Aardvark Passes On.

I ask you, where else would a newspaper consider this to be a top story??? Not in the Seattle Times, LA Times or the New York Times. Just in Tacoma. Tacoma, a place that cares about all creatures. An aardvark named Kikuyu who made it to the advanced age of 30 years and 16 days has now passed. We will miss her.

(My favorite part of the story was when they described her 30th Birthday cake: " a three-tiered cake of frozen insectivore chow covered with mashed avocado frosting, bits of fruit and mealworms." Everyone should be so lucky on their 30th birthday. Think of it Katie, only 9 more years)


At 1/23/2007 7:42 PM, Blogger TRACYS BIG BLOG said...

That cake sounds wonderful. I wonder if you made something like it for holloween, would it go over as well as my Litter Box Cake...Wondering minds... wants to know.


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