Artichokes and Pink Martini

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Tuesday, February 21, 2006

I am officially old

Sigh. Remember the things that you did as a kid? Things that you did without effort, without thinking? I remember those things. One of mine was doing a forward somersault. I was a backyard gymnast. Forward rolls, backward rolls, nuthin'. Cartwheels, nuthin'. I could go into a backbend from a vertical stance in about 3 seconds, no sweat. Handstands, walking on my hands for 30 seconds. Headstands, no problem. I never mastered a backflip or round off, but I had the basics down.

So today, while working with a student in PE, it was suggested that if someone modeled a forward roll, he might attempt it. (Now this was a bit dillusional, because he's not gonna try it, he is having way too much fun refusing to try). I've been watching the PE teacher & all of the general kids doing this for weeks. No sweat. A forward roll is nothing & I am in good shape. Spin class, elliptical trainer, even yoga, these things are all way harder than a forward roll.

I'm ready. Forward roll. No prob. I assume the position. On my mark, get set, roll. Whooooooooooooa. Total vertigo. I mean, total, head spinning, which way is up, did you catch the license plate on the truck that just hit me??? Everyone else stands when they complete the forward roll. I, on the other hand, am stuck on my butt. Adhered to the mat. Not moving, just feeling lucky to be sitting upright. It has been a few years ..... mmmmm, let me see 30, maybe one or two more. Maybe it was the shock to my system after so many years. One more try. I'll land on my feet. I mean, jeez, this is a whimpy, forward roll. Here we go. Nahhhhhhh, just like the first one. The good news is that this a much quicker buzz than drinking a beer through a straw on an empty stomach. I am officially old.


At 2/23/2006 8:07 AM, Blogger Grandma Willoughby said...

Woohoo!!! So glad to see that Katie's come over to "the dark side". Here's hoping she loves knitting as much as her mom does.


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