Pink Martini in Seattle

Pink Martini came to the Paramount and we were there. It was fabulous (like I would say anything else!). And Thomas, piano player and spiritual leader of the band was very sweet to pose for a picture after the concert. He mentioned during the concert that they were recording album #3 (yeah!) and that it wouldn't take as long as album 2, Hang on Little Tomato (that only took them 7 years to release after album #1, Sympatique). So I asked, How soon? Thomas said next September, of course when I mentioned this fact to their manager, John, his response was more like, "Thomas said what???" So, I'm thinkin' probably 2007, most likely 2008, but it's fun to dream. And oh, by the way, Kathryn, if you are reading this, I asked about your song, Eugene. Yes, it will be on the 3rd album. I also asked about the song, the Little Radio. He's not so sure about that one, he thinks that it will probably make album 4 which they are planning as a symphonic album. Album 4!!! That is just too much to hope for.

So these are some of the instigators that came to the concert and suggested we head for the stage door afterwards. Thank you Jessica. They kept a safe distance and really aren't true stalkers yet. But give them time.

Jenn got the camera away from me & then asked Thomas for another picture by saying "This is a Mother/Daughter duo & they follow you everywhere!" Jenn, really, like he doesn't already know that.
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