Artichokes and Pink Martini

If you like artichokes, Pink Martini, knitting, then read on. If you are interested in the woes of losing the last 20 lbs or working in education, then read on. If you want to know what it's like to be an empty nester or to share that nest with to two dogs, then read on. If you want to know what the theme is for Monday night dinner, when the kayaks are going out, or who was at the Y at 5am, then read on. If none of this interests you, just hit the button that says "next blog", & read on.

Monday, January 07, 2008

A boy & his womb

Now these pictures require a story. When we were in Yuma, Arizona Margaret and I were talking knitting (surprise). Then we looked at and a bunch of free knitting patterns. Paul was looking over our shoulder at one of my favorite free patterns: the womb.

Paul wanted one. So I took the challenge! Paul wanted me to make sure that it was soft and cuddly. So I bought yarn in Portland & then I started knitting. What do you think .... Does Paul like his womb???

True confessions. I bought too much yarn. But I had sooooo much fun knitting these little guys (errr, i mean girls) that I knitted a bunch. So I gave Paul the pick of the litter. Chris, my man, you are looking just a bit envious.

Sorry, I couldn't resist. I call this "Wombs with a View".


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