Artichokes and Pink Martini

If you like artichokes, Pink Martini, knitting, then read on. If you are interested in the woes of losing the last 20 lbs or working in education, then read on. If you want to know what it's like to be an empty nester or to share that nest with to two dogs, then read on. If you want to know what the theme is for Monday night dinner, when the kayaks are going out, or who was at the Y at 5am, then read on. If none of this interests you, just hit the button that says "next blog", & read on.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Welcome to Yuma

Holiday travel doesn't stop at Portland. First there is the plain trip to sunny San Diego and then the little car ride across California to Yuma, Arizona where I joined the Gadsden/Eliot/Carpenter family from Alaska/Tacoma/Bellingham.

Christmas is all about the kids. Brandon & Lucas are 2 1/2 now and all pro at ripping through the Christmas wrap. They made quite a hall. Of course the best gifts were mailed to them before Christmas. Their wonderful uncles picked out a toy leaf blower, chain saw, dance on keyboard, and accordian. The louder the volume, the bigger the fun!

Brandon has got fun and games on his mind. Thoughtfully planning his next move on how to next control the lives of the adults around him.

Lucas goes for the tried and true method of screaming at the top of his lungs. He is an expert at this technique.

The boys. Aren't they cute. Speak no evil, see no evil, hear no evil. Yeah right. It's a short visit, maybe they can behave.


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