Artichokes and Pink Martini

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Monday, August 21, 2006

Talent, Oregon Knittin' Social Club

When Jenny visited us after they returned from Europe, she made the mistake of telling us that she wanted to learn to knit. Katie & I will swoop down on anyone who says that they want to learn to knit. We have also forced knitting on a few unsuspecting victims. But Jenny asked, so we taught her. Jenny is a natural & she really enjoyed knitting. She is a crazy perfectionist just like Katie.

Then when we went to Ashland, we had to see how her progress was going. Her roommate Stephanie made the mistake of saying that she wanted to knit to. Now Stephanie is a very, very fast knitter. Just not to interested in counting her stitches. So her first scarf was done in record time and rather free form.

Jenny is very proud of her first scarf. And she is a real knitter, because before she finished project one, she already started on project two. Project two is supposed to be a gift for her sister. That is if she doesn't like it too much to give it to her. BTW, Jenny's sister is the real crafty one in the family, but she doesn't know how to knit. And it just drives her crazy that Jenny knows how to knit and she doesn't.


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