Artichokes and Pink Martini

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Friday, July 22, 2005

Ahhhhh Rain

A summer rain is such a nice sound to wake up to. It smells great and leaves everything feeling clean, fresh and cool. What a great way to slow down and end the week.

Was that thunder I just heard??? I think it was. I love thunder and lightning on a warm summer night, it's the best! That is one of the few draw backs to living in the Northwest. Nature doesn't put on very many late night light shows for us. I do remember one August night in the early 90's that we had a lightning storm that literally went on for hours. We put the lawn chairs out on the back porch and sat watching lightning bolts dance on the horizon with all of the neighbors. It was fabulous! Who knows, this summer we may get treated to another such show. We are due.

So for now, I am just movin' slow and enjoying the sounds and smells of summer rain.


At 7/24/2005 7:45 AM, Blogger TRACYS BIG BLOG said...

I love the sumer rain. Back in Texas when the thunder and lightening would come I would love it. It would get all still then the wind would pick up and then....BOOM, and the light show would start. It always made me feel CALM. Maybe it's just me...


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